
Born and raised in Mexico City, Liliana Valenzuela is an adopted tejana and a reverse Chicana. She is the author of the poetry collection Codex of Love: Bendita ternura (FlowerSong Press, 2020), which received an honorable mention in the Juan Felipe Herrera Best Poetry Book Award contest of the 2022 International Latino Book Awards. She has also published the chapbook Codex of Journeys: Bendito camino (Mouthfeel Press, 2013) and several artisan chapbooks. Her poems, essays, and stories have appeared in Edinburgh Review, Huizache, Indiana Review, Tigertail, ANMLY, and other publications. She has held residencies at the Vermont Studio Center, Dairy Hollow, and the Tasajillo Residency. Valenzuela is also the acclaimed Spanish-language translator of works by Sandra Cisneros, Julia Alvarez, Denise Chávez, Cristina García, Dagoberto Gilb, John Olivares Espinoza, and many other writers. In 2006, she received the Alicia Gordon Award for Word Artistry in Translation. Her most recent translation is the poetry book Mujer sin vergüenza by Sandra Cisneros (Vintage Español, 2022). A CantoMundo and Macondo fellow, she’s a longtime Austin resident and a University of Texas at Austin alumna. (Photo credit: Paola Valenzuela)
Codex of Love: Bendita Ternura

A stunning collection by Liliana Valenzuela, featuring poems in English and Spanish
Taking the reader through a sensual journey through love, transitions, and growth, Liliana's latest book is a feast for the senses. Codex of Love was released in March 2020 and is published by FlowerSong Books. You may order your copy here.
"These are poems sin el qué dirán, sin censura, sin vergüenza, uncensored, unbuttoned, unapologetic, swimming desnuda between the many worlds women inhabit, blazing of sulphur and volcanoes, wrapped in corn husks and banana leaves, somersaulting between here and allá, and that fertile womb in between."
"Estos son poemas sin el qué dirán, sin censura, sin vergüenza, uncensored, unbottoned, unapologetic, nadando naked entre los muchos mundos que habitan las mujeres, ardiendo de azufre y volcanes, envuelta en hojas de maíz y de plátano, dando saltos mortales entre el aquí y el allá, y ese vientre fértil de por medio."
—Sandra Cisneros, author of The House on Mango Street
Taking the reader through a sensual journey through love, transitions, and growth, Liliana's latest book is a feast for the senses. Codex of Love was released in March 2020 and is published by FlowerSong Books. You may order your copy here.
"These are poems sin el qué dirán, sin censura, sin vergüenza, uncensored, unbuttoned, unapologetic, swimming desnuda between the many worlds women inhabit, blazing of sulphur and volcanoes, wrapped in corn husks and banana leaves, somersaulting between here and allá, and that fertile womb in between."
"Estos son poemas sin el qué dirán, sin censura, sin vergüenza, uncensored, unbottoned, unapologetic, nadando naked entre los muchos mundos que habitan las mujeres, ardiendo de azufre y volcanes, envuelta en hojas de maíz y de plátano, dando saltos mortales entre el aquí y el allá, y ese vientre fértil de por medio."
—Sandra Cisneros, author of The House on Mango Street
Codex of Love - Poetry Book in English and Spanish - Signed Copy Available
Liliana's new book, Codex of Love, will be shipped to you from Texas. If you wish to have the author sign your copy and dedicate it to you or someone, please enter the name in the text field below.
All poems are printed in both English and Spanish.
Taking the reader through a sensual journey through love, transitions, and growth, Liliana's latest book is a feast for the senses. Codex of Love was released in March 2020 and is published by FlowerSong Books.

Mujer sin vergüenza, Poemas
(Vintage Español, 2022)
With dozens of never-before-seen poems, Woman Without Shame is a moving collection of songs, elegies, and declarations that chronicle her pilgrimage toward rebirth and the recognition of her prerogative as a woman artist. Poems by Sandra Cisneros translated into Spanish by Liliana Valenzuela.
Con docenas de poemas inéditos, Mujer sin Vergüenza es una conmovedora colección de canciones, elegías y declaraciones que dan testimonio de su peregrinaje hacia un renacimientos y hacia el reconocimiento de su derecho como mujer artista. Poemas de Sandra Cisneros traducidos al español por Liliana Valenzuela.
(Vintage Español, 2022)
With dozens of never-before-seen poems, Woman Without Shame is a moving collection of songs, elegies, and declarations that chronicle her pilgrimage toward rebirth and the recognition of her prerogative as a woman artist. Poems by Sandra Cisneros translated into Spanish by Liliana Valenzuela.
Con docenas de poemas inéditos, Mujer sin Vergüenza es una conmovedora colección de canciones, elegías y declaraciones que dan testimonio de su peregrinaje hacia un renacimientos y hacia el reconocimiento de su derecho como mujer artista. Poemas de Sandra Cisneros traducidos al español por Liliana Valenzuela.

Listen Now: Hablemos Escritoras Podcast
Listen to the Hablemos Escritoras podcast a platform for contemporary women writers and translators of the Spanish-speaking world. Liliana and her colleagues interview some of today's most interesting figures in the literary world.
Listen to the Hablemos Escritoras podcast a platform for contemporary women writers and translators of the Spanish-speaking world. Liliana and her colleagues interview some of today's most interesting figures in the literary world.
Liliana is available for readings, speaking engagements, and workshops. Please use the contact button to reach out.
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