
Publications and Awards
As of 3.25.18
Poetry, Essays, & Short Stories
"Codex of Love" (poetry book). FlowerSong Books. Spring 2020.
“Fairy Dust,” “La gruta” (poetry) in Latinas: Voices of Protest and Struggles in the 21st Century USA. Red Sugarcane Press. Spring 2018.
“Las lágrimas de mi madre,” “Segador de sueños,” “A Dream.Bad” (poetry) in Diálogo, an interdisciplinary journal published by the Center for Latino Research at DePaul University, Vol. 17, number 2, 2014.
“West African Market Women—Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire,” San Antonio Express-News and MySA.com, 3/10/13.
“De dónde soy” (poetry) in Huizache: The Magazine of Latino Literature, Number 2, Ed. Dagoberto Gilb. Centro Victoria, University of Houston-Victoria. Fall 2012.
Codex of Journeys: Bendito camino by Liliana Valenzuela. Poetry chapbook in two languages published by Mouthfeel Press. Fall 2012.
“2 de noviembre de 1998,” “De dónde soy,” and “Oscuridad” (poetry) in Cantar de espejos: Poesía testimonial chicana de mujeres, ed. Claire Joysmith. UNAM, CISAN, and Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana. México, Spring 2012.
“De dónde soy,” “Nov. 2: On the Eve of Becoming an American Citizen,” “Me gustan así,” “Círculos,” “Sirena cósmica,” “Mujeres en los mercados del África Occidental: Ghana, Costa de Marfil,” “Claroscuro: Mercado nocturno, Kumasi, Ghana,” “F de foco,” “Sin título,” “Tu cabeza,” “Beso,” “Pregunta: Piel/Respuesta: Impulso vital,” “Fin de verano,” “Curandera si me cae un rayo,” “Crónica de una buza en Galápagos,” and “El pecho ausente,” in Antología Canicular, Editora Campamocha, Edinburg, Texas, 2009.
“Las lágrimas de mi madre,” “La mirada lasciva” (poetry), and “La traducción al español de los nuevos valores de la literatura chicana y latina” (essay) in Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VIII, Nº 27. University of California, Santa Bárbara, Primavera 2009.
“Me gustan así (I Like Them Like That)” (poetry), translated by Angela McEwan, in di-vêrsé-city, the Austin International Poetry Festival anthology, Spring, 2009.
“Tríptico: ‘On the Beach,’” (ekphrastic poetry) Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Spring/Summer 2009.
“Reflexiones post 11.7.02: un nopal y una banderita estadounidense” (essay), Speaking desde las heridas: Cybertestimonios Transfronterizos/Transborder (Sept. 11, 2001-March 11, 2007), Claire Joysmith, Ed. A co-publication of Whittier College, Colorado College, UNAM and CISAN. Mexico-U.S. 2008.
“El Museo del Río Grande” (poetry) in Antología de literatura latina: Cruzando puentes, número especial de Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VII, Nº 25. University of California, Santa Bárbara, Otoño 2008.
“El Museo del Río Grande” (poetry) in Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VI, Nº 24. University of California, Santa Bárbara, Primavera 2008. Also in Antología de literatura latina, Luis Leal and Víctor Fuentes, editors, Vol. VII, No. 25, Otoño 2008.
“My Two Tongues: On How I Came to Have a Forked Tongue” (essay) in How I Learned English: 55 Accomplished Latinos Recall Lessons in Language and Life, Foreword by Ray Suárez and afterword by Frank McCourt. Edited by Tom Miller. National Geographic Books, 2007.
“Mis dos lenguas/My Two Tongues: Cómo llegué a tener una lengua bifurcada” (essay), translated by Eliot Brockner, in Cómo aprendí inglés: 55 latinos realizados relatan sus leciones de idioma y vida, Foreword by Ray Suárez and afterword by Frank McCourt. Edited by Tom Miller. National Geographic Books, 2007.
“Pas de Deux” and “Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry), in Drunken Boat # 8, poetry finalist in the first Panliterary Awards Competition. www.drunkenboat.com. 2007.
“Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry) in Telling Tongues: A Latin@ Anthology on Language Experience, eds. Louis G. Mendoza & Tony Nelson Herrera. A co-publication of Calaca Press and Red Salmon Press. California and Texas. 2007.
“Oración del caminante” (poetry) in Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VI, Nº 23. University of California, Santa Bárbara. Otoño 2007.
“Chiaroscuro: Night Market, Kumasi, Ghana” (poetry) in Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual. Ed. Richard Blanco. Vol. IV. 2006.
“El Museo del Río Grande” (poetry) in BorderSenses, Epicenter issue. El Paso, Texas. 2006.
“Oración del caminante” (poetry) in Caleidoscopio 2: Inmigrantes en la mira, ed. by Alicia Kozameh, Serie Desde la Gente, Ediciones Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006.
“Darkness,” and “Nov. 2, 1998: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” in Edinburgh Review, El otro lado/The Other Side issue, Poetry and Prose from Latina & Chicana Writers, No. 117. Edinburgh, UK. 2006.
“A Mexican Invented Color T.V.” (essay) in Indiana Review, Latina & Latino Writers issue, Vol. 28, No. 1. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Summer 2006.
“13 de septiembre de 2001: Esperando tu regreso” and “Septiembre 21, 2001/September 11, 2001 NO SE OLVIDA (prose) and “El abismo” (poetry) in One Wound for Another/Una herida por otra: Testimonios de Latin@s in the U.S. through Cyberspace (11 de septiembre de 2001-11 de marzo de 2002), eds. Claire Joysmith and Clara Lomas. A co-publication of Whittier College, Colorado College, UNAM and CISAN. Mexico-U.S. 2005
“Egg Drop” (poetry) in di-vêrsé-city, Austin International Poetry Festival anthology, 2004.
“Las Girlfriends on the Caramelo book tour of Spain” (essay-interview of Sandra Cisneros) in Literal: Latin American Voices. Vol. 1. Houston, Texas. 2004.
The Poetry of Rice Fields. A Long Poem. Chapbook design and cover by Anjela Villarreal Ratliff. Austin, Texas. 2003.
“Ángel de la medianoche,” “Jesse: un retrato,” and “Fuga en do menor” (poetry) in Luces y sombras, revista literaria, no. 20. Spain. December 2003.
Literary dossier (dossier literario) includes: “Para el 1% de la población,” “Alejandro Fernández, cantante mexicano,” and “Tríptico” (poetry), “Salvador tarde o temprano” by Sandra Cisneros, translated by Liliana Valenzuela, and “Palabras de fuego: Poetas chicanas/latinas de hoy (essay) in Cariátides 40, ed. Guadalupe Bello. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México. Summer 2003.
Mujer frontera, mujer Malinche, poetry chapbook. Chapbook design and cover by Anjela Villarreal Ratliff. Austin, Texas. 2002.
“Tríptico” (poetry) in Luces y sombras, revista literaria, no. 19. Spain. December 2002.
“Darkness” (poetry) in Anniversary DiVerseCity: an anthology celebrating ten years of the austin internacional poetry festival, ed. Scott Wiggerman. Austin Poets International, Inc. 2002.
“Oración del caminante” (poetry) in Cariátides 36, ed. Guadalupe Bello. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México. Summer 2002.
“Palabras de fuego: Poetas chicanas/latinas de hoy” (essay) and “Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry) in Arena, suplemento cultural de EXCELSIOR. Año 3, Tomo 3, Número 154. Mexico City, Mexico. Domingo 13 de enero de 2002.
“Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, Guanajuato, México,” “Poema maldito,” and “Divertimento sobre un viaje por Veracruz” (poetry) in Mujeres Poetas en el País de las Nubes, Antología. Eds. Emilio Fuego and Lina Zerón. Colección Vidzu. Centro de Estudios de la Cultura Mixteca. México. 2001.
“fourth of july del dos mil” (poetry) in IXHUA, Literary Review, eds. Anjela Villarreal Ratliff and ire’ne lara silva. Published by the Austin Hispanic Writers, with assistance from Pro Arts Collective, a non-profit organization for artists of color. Funded in part by the City of Austin, the Austin Arts Commission and the Texas Commission for the Arts. Austin, Texas. 2001.
“Palabras de fuego: Poetas chicanas/latinas de hoy” (essay) in EntreTextos, suplemento cultural del periódico Noticias, Oaxaca, México. Año 2. No. 67. 18 de noviembre de 2001.
“My Assault on the New York Publishing World” (essay), The AATIA Letter, the newsletter of the Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association. January 2000.
Reprinted with permission in CATI Quarterly, a publication of the Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters. Summer 2000.
Reprinted with permission in Intercambios, the newsletter of the Spanish Language Division of the American Translators Association. Vol. 4, Issue 2. September, 2000.
“Sin título” (poetry), di-verse-city Austin International Poetry Festival anthology. Austin Poets International, Inc. 2000.
“Crónica de una buza en Galápagos,” “F de foco,” “Costra y mugre,” “Primavera: 3 en Cataluña 3,” “Tríptico,” and “Tu cintura,” (poetry) in Ygdrasil: A Journal of the Poetic Arts, the Frist Ygdrasil Spanish issue. August, 1999. http://www.synapse.net/~kgerken/
“Nov. 2, 1998: On the Eve of Becoming an American Citizen” (poetry) in Tres Di-Verse-City, Ed. Scott Wiggerman. Austin International Poetry Festival anthology. Austin Poets International, Inc. First Prize Winner in the Christina Sergeyevna Award Competition of the Austin International Poetry Festival. 1999.
“Lo hubiera matado” (fiction) in Proyecto Scherezade: Cuentos de autores de todo el mundo de habla hispana, http://www.princeton.edu/~enriquef/lohubier.html
“Lo hubiera matado” (fiction), reprinted with permission in abril: WWEWTOS, no. 18. Literary journal published with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture of Luxemburg. 1999.
Bocas palabras, Carpeta de Poesía Luz, no. 1, Voces Selectas poetry chapbook winner. Alongside Benito Pastoriza Iyodo. Luz Bilingual Publishing, California. 1997.
“Translation on the Border: La Smart Cookie en su Low Rider” (essay), ATA Chronicle, the journal of the American Translators Association. January, 1996.
“Virgencita, give us a chance” (fiction) in Goddess of the Americas/La Diosa de las Américas: Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe, ed. Ana Castillo. Riverhead Books, New York. 1996.
“Tiger Sandwich” (fiction) in Saguaro, Vol. 9. University of Arizona. 1994.
“The Freight Train to Bountiful, Utah” (fiction), and “Civilization” (poetry) in Chaski: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, Vol. XXIII, No. 2. University of Nebraska. 1994.
“Parking P Lot” (poetry) in The New Press. New York. Summer 1994.
“Una escritora chilanga texana” (essay), and “Besos robados” (fiction) in Blanco Móvil. Mexico City. 1994.
“Mano de plata/Silver hand” (poetry) in The New Press, New York. Spring 1994.
“Zurcidos invisibles” (fiction), University of California at Irvine. First Prize in fiction in the XV Chicano Literary Contest. 1988-1989.
“Sinvergüenza” and “Piel canela” (poetry) in The Américas Review: A Review of Hispanic Literature and Art of the USA, Vol. 19, No. 1. University of Houston. 1991.
“Sinvergüenza” (poetry) featured in the video “Ella es frontera/Border She Is” by Pilar Rodríguez. Anarca Films. México. 1996.
“De triques y chácharas” (poetry) in Mester. Vol. XX. No. 1. University of California at Berkeley. Spring 1991.
“Sabor a mí/Savor Me” (fiction), published under pen name in Common Bonds: Stories By and About Modern Texas Women, ed. Suzanne Comer. Southern Methodist University Press. 1990.
“Tanto tiempo” (poetry), and “Virgencita, danos chance” (fiction), published under pen name in Third Woman: The Sexuality of Latinas, eds. Norma Alarcón, Ana Castillo and Cherríe Moraga. Third Woman Press. Berkeley, California. 1989.
“Diecinueve de septiembre” (poetry), University of California at Irvine, honorable mention in the XIII Chicano Literary Contest. 1986-1987.
“Neza” (essay), utmost magazine. University of Texas at Austin. This essay received an Honorable Mention for Essay with Social Vision in the Fania Krueger Fellowship Contest. 1984.
Puro Amor, by Sandra Cisneros (forthcoming from Sarabande Books).
From Latin America to Hollywood: Latino Film Culture in Los Angeles 1967-2017,
foreword by Sandra Cisneros (forthcoming from The Academy Foundation).
Una casa propia: historias de mi vida by Sandra Cisneros (Vintage Español, 2016).
¿Has visto a María? by Sandra Cisneros. Knopf. Fall 2012.
Collaboration with artist Lisa Iglesias on the Mirabal Sisters project at the Vermont Studio Center. Translated poster into Spanish.
Un sillón para siempre written and illustrated by Vera Williams. Greenwillow Books, HarperCollins, 2009.
Diez puntos negros, written and illustrated by Donald Crews. Greenwillow Books, HarperCollins, 2009.
Nancy la elegante y la perrita popoff by Robin Preiss Glasser. Rayo/HarperCollins, 2009.
Devolver al remitente by Julia Alvarez, Alfred A. Knopf, 2009.
La casa en Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, with a new 25th Anniversary introduction, which I translated. Vintage Español, 2009.
Nancy, la Elegante by Jane O’Connor, illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser. Rayo, HarperCollins (Fall 2008)
“Más más más” dijo el bebé: 3 historias de amor by Vera Williams, Greenwillow Books, HarperCollins (Spring 2008)
Once Upon A Quinceañera by Julia Alvarez, Penguin (Spring 2008)
A Handbook to Luck by Cristina García, Vintage Español (Spring 2008)
Los santos de Agua Mansa, California, by Alex Espinoza, Random House (Spring 2007)
Voces sin fronteras, edited by Cristina García, Vintage Español (Spring 2007), translated texts by García, Rudolfo Anaya, Gloria Anzaldúa, Ana Castillo, Dagoberto Gilb, Richard Rodríguez and Jimmy Santiago Baca
¡Caramba! by Nina Marie Martínez, Vintage Español (Fall 2006)/Seix Barral (2006)
En busca de milagros, by Julia Alvarez, Dell Laurel Leaf (Spring 2006)
Un regalo de gracias, by Julia Alvarez, Dragonfly Books (Fall 2005)
La última de las muchachas del menú, by Denise Chávez, Vintage Español (Winter 2004)
Cuando tía Lola vino de visita/a quedarse, by Julia Alvarez, Knopf Children’s Books (Winter 2004)
Antes de ser libres, by Julia Alvarez, Knopf Children’s Books (Winter 2004)
La conquista, by Yxta Maya Murray. Rayo/HarperCollins (Fall 2003)
Thresholds, a translation anthology, 20 poems by Lina Zerón. Pangloss Publishing (Fall 2003)
La Yagüita del Pastor, by Isaías Orozco Lang with a foreword by Julia Alvarez. El Leon Publishing (Fall 2003)
Caramelo, by Sandra Cisneros. Knopf 2002/Seix Barral 2002.
Latin Jazz: La combinación perfecta, by Raúl Fernández. Chronicle Books/Smithsonian, 2002. Winner: Association of American Museums Best Book Award.
Bugs for Lunch/Insectos para el almuerzo, by Margery Facklam, illustrated by Sylvia Long. Charlesbridge Publishing, 2002. Children’s book in rhyme.
Cuando los ángeles hablan: Inspiration from Touched by an Angel, by Martha Williamson. Simon & Schuster, 2001.
The Magic of Remedios Varo, by Luis-Martín Lozano, translated by Elizabeth Goldson and Liliana Valenzuela. National Museum of Women in the Arts, Wash. D.C., 2000.
El arroyo de la Llorona, translation into Spanish of "Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories" by Sandra Cisneros. Vintage Español, Random House, New York, 1996.
Hairs/Pelitos, translation of bilingual children’s book by Sandra Cisneros, illus. Terry Ybáñez. Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.
“Still Life with Painter,” and “The Sound,” (poetry) by Daniel Grandbois, co-translation with Tony Beckwith, for Beacons X, for the literary translation journal of the American Translators Association. 2007.
“Mecanismos de lo individual y lo social: El Arte Concreto y São Paolo” (essay) by Erin Aldana in The Geometry of Hope: Latin American Abstract Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, ed. Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro. Blanton Museum of Art. The University of Texas at Austin. 2007.
“Me sacas lo mexicana” (poem) by Sandra Cisneros. Revista Prisma, no. 2. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2005.
Translation of the introduction for Family Pictures/Cuadros de familia, Paintings and stories by Carmen Lomas Garza, introduction by Sandra Cisneros. Children’s Book Press. San Francisco, California. 2005.
“Loose Woman/Mujer Callejera” (poem) by Sandra Cisneros in Literal: Latin American Voices. Vol. 1. Houston, Texas. 2004.
Twenty poems by Lina Zerón in Thresholds: An Anthology of World Literature from the Heart of Texas, with a preface by Andrew Hurley. Pangloss Publishing. Austin, Texas. 2003.
Translation of introduction and biography for Viredo: The Artist and His Work, by Mariano F. Sánchez and Viredo Espinosa. Beard Publishing. Santa Ana, California. 2002.
Translation of the introduction for My First Book of Proverbs/Mi primer libro de dichos by Ralfka González and Ana Ruiz. Children’s Book Press. California. 1995.
Translation of the story “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros. Sendas literarias textbook. Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Boston. 1994.
Teaching experience
2018 Literary translation mentor for Mills College, San Francisco.
2017 Guest lecturer at a Journalism in Spanish class at the School of Journalism of the University of Texas at Austin.
2013 Guest teacher at the Segundo Encuentro-Hermanas Traductoras, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Sponsored by the Mary’s Pence Foundation and Libros Prehispánicos, L.C.
2012 “Translingual Poetics: Writing authentic poems”, workshop at the Emma Barrientos MACC, part of the second annual Flor de Nopal Festival.
2007 “Translingual Poetics,” co-taught with Levi Romero. Macondo Writers Workshop. San Antonio, Texas.
2006 “Translation as a Career with Liliana Valenzuela/El arte de traducir (para principiantes hispanohablantes)” at The Writers Institute, Florida Center for the Literary Arts. Miami Dade College. Miami, Florida.
2006 Literary translation workshop. International Book Fair. Dallas, Texas.
2004 Guest instructor on literary translation for translation course led by Esther Díaz. Austin Community College. Austin, Texas.
2003 “Self-Confidence and Expression in Writing: A Performance Workshop,” Jones Center for Families. Springdale, Arkansas.
2000 Performance Poetry class at Casa de Luz. Austin, Texas.
1999 Guest instructor on literary translation for translation course led by Esther Díaz. Austin Community College. Austin, Texas.
1998 Co-instructor with Katrina Kargl. Translation Workshop on Adaptations. Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association’s professional development workshop series. Austin Community College. Austin, Texas
Pro Bono Work
Guest instructor at The Young Writers Workshop, Travis Heights Elementary, Austin, Texas, for several years. Also guest instructor at The Young Authors Conference, Baranoff, Elementary, Austin, Texas. Guest reader at Reaves Elementary, Conroe, Texas. Volunteer interpreting work with Austin Hospice for several years.
Audio Recordings
La casa en Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Read by Liliana Valenzuela. Translated by Elena Poniatowska. Unabridged version. Random House Audio. 2005.
“Pas de Deux” and “Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry in audio), in Drunken Boat # 8, poetry finalist in the first Panliterary Awards Competition. www.drunkenboat.com. 2007.
Liliana Valenzuela in the news
Orgullo Latino profile in Univisión. Austin, Texas. 2007.
Univisión interview with Mariana Pineda. Austin, Texas. 2007.
KO-OP Radio, 91.7 FM. Featured writer in show Writing on the Air.
Entrevista a Liliana Valenzuela: “Una Malinche que vive en Texas” by Adriana Herrera. Revista Poder. Mexico City. 20 de junio 2006.
Entrevista a Liliana Valenzuela: “La traducción como una imagen invertida” by Maricela Duarte. Arenas Blancas. Revista Literaria. 1era duna. New Mexico State University. 2004.
2009 Vermont Studio Center. Johnson, Vermont. Writer-in-residence during the month of September 2009. Received Artist’s Grant and Work Exchange Award.
2005 Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow. Eureka Springs, Arkansas. March 20-27.
2003 Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow. Eureka Springs, Arkansas. June 3-29.
Workshops and Writers studied under
CantoMundo, 2010-2013
Demetria Martinez
Martin Espada
Aracelis Girmay
Roberto Tejada
Macondo Writers Conference, 2000 - 2009
Sandra Cisneros
Ruth Behar
Norma Alarcón
Norma Cantú
John Phillip Santos
Andrei Codrescu
Alex Espinoza
Leslie Larson
University of Texas at Austin, 1984, 1986-88
Jane Marcus
Zulfikar Ghose
Albert Goldbarth
Other workshops, 1987-2000
Pat Littledog
Rebecca Tassi
Marcia Roberts
Trio Valendoza, various performances from 2011 to present. Guitar and vocals.
Community Service / Leadership
Hispanic Austin Leadership (HAL) graduate. 2012-2013. Community project: S.W.A.G (Students Working to Achieve Greatness). Leadership program at Reagan High School, Spring 2013.
American Translators Association, Director 2005-2008.
Readings and Performances
2018 Featured poet at Latina Poetry Across the Americas Symposium at Trinity University.
2018 Multi-Verse featured literary translator at Malvern Books, Austin, Texas, in conversation with founder Joe Bratcher.
2017 Bilingual reading with Sandra Cisneros to benefit the nonprofit Jóvenes Adelante, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2016 Bilingual reading with Sandra Cisneros to benefit PEN America, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2016 Featured reader at the International Translators Day celebration, Malvern Books, Austin, Texas.
2015 Featured reader with Pablo Miguel Martínez at Malvern Books, Austin, Texas.
2015 Featured reader with Marian Haddad and Lyman Grant at the Round Rock Library, Round Rock, Texas.
2015 Featured reader at the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Tribute to Mexican Women, Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, Austin, Texas.
2013 Featured reader at the Huizache: the Magazine of Latino Literature’s 3rd issue launch. Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, Austin, Texas.
2013 Presentation on “Translingual Poetics” at the Austin Poetry Society meeting, Austin, Texas.
2012 Bilingual poetry reading at the Hilton Bayfront, San Diego, California.
2012 Poetry reading at the University of Texas at Austin, part of CantoMundo.
2011 Multilingual reading at Women and Fair Trade Festival, Austin, Texas.
2010 Reading at Poetry in the Plaza, Harry Ransom Center, Austin, Texas.
2010 Featured reader at the Austin Poetry Society’s Fourth Thursday Open Mic, NewWorldDeli, Austin, Texas.
2010 Reading at the Austin International Poetry Festival.
2010 Featured poet at Austin Community College’s Literary Coffehouse. Austin Java.
Austin, Texas.
2009 Featured poet at BookWoman, Austin, Texas.
2009 Collaborative reading with Cristina García, as part of The Big Read program, Austin Community College, Mainstage Theater, Austin, Texas.
2009 Reading at the Lowe Lecture Hall, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont.
2009 Performance with the Bread & Puppet Theater, Johnson, Vermont.
2009 “Café Nostalgia” reading at Casa Navarro, San Antonio, Texas, as part of the Macondo Writers Workshop.
2009 Participated in panel “Inspiration: The First Glimmer of a Book Idea” at the Writers’ League of Texas. Austin, Texas.
2009 Luminaria Arts Festival, representing the Macondo Writers’ Workshop. San Antonio, Texas.
2008 “Reading the World” presentation at BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
2008 Bilingual reading with Cristina García of Las caras de la suerte. BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
2007 Bilingual reading with Alex Espinoza at the Chicano & Latino Writers Festival. Saint Paul Public Library. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
2007 Featured poet at the multimedia conference Recharging the Sensorium, as part of the winners and finalists of the inaugural PanLiterary Awards, sponsored by www.drunkenboat.com. New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, Connecticut.
2007 Bilingual reading with Alex Espinoza of Los santos de Agua Mansa. BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
2006 Presentation at the Words and Music Festival. New Orleans, Louisiana.
2006 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez at the Chicano & Latino Writers Festival. Saint Paul Public Library. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
2006 Poetry reading and presentation of One Wound for Another/Una herida por otra: Testimonios de Latin@s in the U.S. through Cyberspace (11 de septiembre de 2001-11 de marzo de 2002), eds. Claire Joysmith and Clara Lomas. Resistencia Bookstore. Austin, Texas.
2006 Bilingual reading and presentation with Sandra Cisneros at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana. Mexico City.
2006 Bilingual reading with Sandra Cisneros at the XVI Feria Internacional del Libro, and presentation with Claire Joysmith of the book One Wound for Another/Una herida por otra: Testimonios de Latin@s in the U.S. through Cyberspace (11 de septiembre de 2001-11 de marzo de 2002), eds. Claire Joysmith and Clara Lomas. Monterrey, Mexico.
2006 Participated in “How to Publish your Book” and “Spanish Language Books in the U.S. Market” panels. International Book Fair. Dallas, Texas.
2006 Featured essayist at the special Indiana Review reading in support of their Latino/Latina summer issue. Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana.
2006 Oh!rmones/Oh!rmonas. Text: Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Performed by: Alejandra Murga, Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Music by: Alex Coke (sax) and Susie Mauldin (bass). Frontera Fest. Hyde Park Theater. Austin, Texas.
2006 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez and original poetry reading at at ¡La Voz Latina! A Celebration of Latino Authors. Little Rock, Arkansas.
2005 Featured poet at Latina Letters: The Tenth Annual Conference on Latina Literature and Identity. St. Mary’s University. San Antonio, Texas.
2005 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez at the Texas Book Festival. Austin, Texas.
2005 Bilingual reading with Denise Chávez and poetry reading at the Border Book Festival. Mesilla, New Mexico.
2005 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez and original poetry reading at ¡La Voz Latina! A Celebration of Latino Authors. Fayetteville, Arkansas.
2005 Oh!rmones/Oh!rmonas. Text: Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Performed by: Alejandra Murga, Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Music: Esteban García. Premiere. AXTYRX. San Antonio, Texas.
2003 Presentation on translation at Publishing Latino Voices: A National Conference for Book Publishers. Sponsored by the Association of American Publishers. New York City.
2001 Invited poet to the IX Encuentro de Mujeres Poetas en el País de las Nubes.
Mexico City and Oaxaca, Mexico. Poetry readings in Mexico City, Oaxaca City, and several Oaxacan towns.
2002 Featured poet at Palabras: a Latino Literary Festival. Austin, Texas.
2000 Featured poet in the Hispanic Voices segment of the Austin International Poetry Festival. Austin, Texas.
1999 PEN World in Translation Month reading at Border Books. Austin, Texas.
1997 “El arroyo de la Llorona y otros cuentos: A Bilingual Reading in Two Voices”
Reading with Sandra Cisneros. Cinco de Mayo program. San Antonio Central Library. San Antonio, Texas.
1996 Reading from El arroyo de la Llorona y otros cuentos. BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
1991 Lamb, Lamb, Lamb. Participant in the large group workshop performance. Choreographed and directed by Deborah Hay. Vortex Theater. Austin, Texas.
Since 1986, I have participated in bilingual poetry and short story readings, as well as literary translation readings in many venues, including: Barnes & Noble, Borders Books, Austin Book Fair Poetry Tent, MexicArte, Women & Their Work, Museo del Barrio, Chameleons Coffee House, Twigg Bookstore, Vortex Theater, KAZI Radio, Red Bluff Studio, Half-Price Books and others.
2012 to present Multiple yearly individual and team awards by the José Martí Publishing Awards, sponsored by The National Association of
Hispanic Publications (NAHP).
2012 to present Multiple yearly individual and team awards by the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors (TAPME).
2009 Four first prize awards sponsored by the Austin Poetry Society:
“Por el camino andamos” The Border/Lines Award, judged by Professor Benjamín Alire Sáenz
“She Should’ve Been a Nun” The Change Award, judged by Maria Finn
“Sirena Cósmica/Cosmic Siren” translated from the Spanish by Angela McEwan, The Mary Oliver Award, judged by Professor Pia Taavila.
“son cubano” The Spoken Word Poetry Award, judged by all present at the APS Annual Awards Ceremony on May 15, 2009.
2008 Artist’s Grant for a September 2009 residency at the Vermont Studio Center. Johnson, Vermont.
2006 Alicia Gordon Award for Word Artistry in Translation
For my translation into Spanish of Nina Marie Martínez: ¡Caramba! A Tale Told
in Turns of the Card
American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation, Inc.
2006 First Panliterary Awards finalist in poetry. Judge: Amy Finch.
2002 Texas Commission on the Arts travel grant.
1999 Christina Sergeyevna Award
Austin International Poetry Festival
First prize for bilingual poem “November 2, 1998: On the Eve of Becoming
an American Citizen.”
1997 Carpeta de Poesía Luz, Voces Selectas
Poetry Chapbook Winner
Luz Bilingual Publishing, California.
1989 Fifteenth Chicano Literary Contest
University of California at Irvine
First Prize in Fiction
1987 Thirteen Chicano Literary Contest
University of California at Irvine
Honorable Mention in Poetry
1984 Fania Krueger Fellowship Contest
University of Texas at Austin
Honorable Mention for Essay with Social Vision
1984 Junior Fellows Research Grant
To fund fieldwork in Mexico.
University of Texas at Austin
1982 Ampla Cum Laude
University of Texas at Austin
1978 American Field Service Scholarship
Study abroad in Denmark for one year
As of 3.25.18
Poetry, Essays, & Short Stories
"Codex of Love" (poetry book). FlowerSong Books. Spring 2020.
“Fairy Dust,” “La gruta” (poetry) in Latinas: Voices of Protest and Struggles in the 21st Century USA. Red Sugarcane Press. Spring 2018.
“Las lágrimas de mi madre,” “Segador de sueños,” “A Dream.Bad” (poetry) in Diálogo, an interdisciplinary journal published by the Center for Latino Research at DePaul University, Vol. 17, number 2, 2014.
“West African Market Women—Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire,” San Antonio Express-News and MySA.com, 3/10/13.
“De dónde soy” (poetry) in Huizache: The Magazine of Latino Literature, Number 2, Ed. Dagoberto Gilb. Centro Victoria, University of Houston-Victoria. Fall 2012.
Codex of Journeys: Bendito camino by Liliana Valenzuela. Poetry chapbook in two languages published by Mouthfeel Press. Fall 2012.
“2 de noviembre de 1998,” “De dónde soy,” and “Oscuridad” (poetry) in Cantar de espejos: Poesía testimonial chicana de mujeres, ed. Claire Joysmith. UNAM, CISAN, and Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana. México, Spring 2012.
“De dónde soy,” “Nov. 2: On the Eve of Becoming an American Citizen,” “Me gustan así,” “Círculos,” “Sirena cósmica,” “Mujeres en los mercados del África Occidental: Ghana, Costa de Marfil,” “Claroscuro: Mercado nocturno, Kumasi, Ghana,” “F de foco,” “Sin título,” “Tu cabeza,” “Beso,” “Pregunta: Piel/Respuesta: Impulso vital,” “Fin de verano,” “Curandera si me cae un rayo,” “Crónica de una buza en Galápagos,” and “El pecho ausente,” in Antología Canicular, Editora Campamocha, Edinburg, Texas, 2009.
“Las lágrimas de mi madre,” “La mirada lasciva” (poetry), and “La traducción al español de los nuevos valores de la literatura chicana y latina” (essay) in Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VIII, Nº 27. University of California, Santa Bárbara, Primavera 2009.
“Me gustan así (I Like Them Like That)” (poetry), translated by Angela McEwan, in di-vêrsé-city, the Austin International Poetry Festival anthology, Spring, 2009.
“Tríptico: ‘On the Beach,’” (ekphrastic poetry) Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Spring/Summer 2009.
“Reflexiones post 11.7.02: un nopal y una banderita estadounidense” (essay), Speaking desde las heridas: Cybertestimonios Transfronterizos/Transborder (Sept. 11, 2001-March 11, 2007), Claire Joysmith, Ed. A co-publication of Whittier College, Colorado College, UNAM and CISAN. Mexico-U.S. 2008.
“El Museo del Río Grande” (poetry) in Antología de literatura latina: Cruzando puentes, número especial de Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VII, Nº 25. University of California, Santa Bárbara, Otoño 2008.
“El Museo del Río Grande” (poetry) in Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VI, Nº 24. University of California, Santa Bárbara, Primavera 2008. Also in Antología de literatura latina, Luis Leal and Víctor Fuentes, editors, Vol. VII, No. 25, Otoño 2008.
“My Two Tongues: On How I Came to Have a Forked Tongue” (essay) in How I Learned English: 55 Accomplished Latinos Recall Lessons in Language and Life, Foreword by Ray Suárez and afterword by Frank McCourt. Edited by Tom Miller. National Geographic Books, 2007.
“Mis dos lenguas/My Two Tongues: Cómo llegué a tener una lengua bifurcada” (essay), translated by Eliot Brockner, in Cómo aprendí inglés: 55 latinos realizados relatan sus leciones de idioma y vida, Foreword by Ray Suárez and afterword by Frank McCourt. Edited by Tom Miller. National Geographic Books, 2007.
“Pas de Deux” and “Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry), in Drunken Boat # 8, poetry finalist in the first Panliterary Awards Competition. www.drunkenboat.com. 2007.
“Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry) in Telling Tongues: A Latin@ Anthology on Language Experience, eds. Louis G. Mendoza & Tony Nelson Herrera. A co-publication of Calaca Press and Red Salmon Press. California and Texas. 2007.
“Oración del caminante” (poetry) in Ventana Abierta: Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura, Vol. VI, Nº 23. University of California, Santa Bárbara. Otoño 2007.
“Chiaroscuro: Night Market, Kumasi, Ghana” (poetry) in Tigertail, A South Florida Poetry Annual. Ed. Richard Blanco. Vol. IV. 2006.
“El Museo del Río Grande” (poetry) in BorderSenses, Epicenter issue. El Paso, Texas. 2006.
“Oración del caminante” (poetry) in Caleidoscopio 2: Inmigrantes en la mira, ed. by Alicia Kozameh, Serie Desde la Gente, Ediciones Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2006.
“Darkness,” and “Nov. 2, 1998: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” in Edinburgh Review, El otro lado/The Other Side issue, Poetry and Prose from Latina & Chicana Writers, No. 117. Edinburgh, UK. 2006.
“A Mexican Invented Color T.V.” (essay) in Indiana Review, Latina & Latino Writers issue, Vol. 28, No. 1. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Summer 2006.
“13 de septiembre de 2001: Esperando tu regreso” and “Septiembre 21, 2001/September 11, 2001 NO SE OLVIDA (prose) and “El abismo” (poetry) in One Wound for Another/Una herida por otra: Testimonios de Latin@s in the U.S. through Cyberspace (11 de septiembre de 2001-11 de marzo de 2002), eds. Claire Joysmith and Clara Lomas. A co-publication of Whittier College, Colorado College, UNAM and CISAN. Mexico-U.S. 2005
“Egg Drop” (poetry) in di-vêrsé-city, Austin International Poetry Festival anthology, 2004.
“Las Girlfriends on the Caramelo book tour of Spain” (essay-interview of Sandra Cisneros) in Literal: Latin American Voices. Vol. 1. Houston, Texas. 2004.
The Poetry of Rice Fields. A Long Poem. Chapbook design and cover by Anjela Villarreal Ratliff. Austin, Texas. 2003.
“Ángel de la medianoche,” “Jesse: un retrato,” and “Fuga en do menor” (poetry) in Luces y sombras, revista literaria, no. 20. Spain. December 2003.
Literary dossier (dossier literario) includes: “Para el 1% de la población,” “Alejandro Fernández, cantante mexicano,” and “Tríptico” (poetry), “Salvador tarde o temprano” by Sandra Cisneros, translated by Liliana Valenzuela, and “Palabras de fuego: Poetas chicanas/latinas de hoy (essay) in Cariátides 40, ed. Guadalupe Bello. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México. Summer 2003.
Mujer frontera, mujer Malinche, poetry chapbook. Chapbook design and cover by Anjela Villarreal Ratliff. Austin, Texas. 2002.
“Tríptico” (poetry) in Luces y sombras, revista literaria, no. 19. Spain. December 2002.
“Darkness” (poetry) in Anniversary DiVerseCity: an anthology celebrating ten years of the austin internacional poetry festival, ed. Scott Wiggerman. Austin Poets International, Inc. 2002.
“Oración del caminante” (poetry) in Cariátides 36, ed. Guadalupe Bello. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, México. Summer 2002.
“Palabras de fuego: Poetas chicanas/latinas de hoy” (essay) and “Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry) in Arena, suplemento cultural de EXCELSIOR. Año 3, Tomo 3, Número 154. Mexico City, Mexico. Domingo 13 de enero de 2002.
“Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón, Guanajuato, México,” “Poema maldito,” and “Divertimento sobre un viaje por Veracruz” (poetry) in Mujeres Poetas en el País de las Nubes, Antología. Eds. Emilio Fuego and Lina Zerón. Colección Vidzu. Centro de Estudios de la Cultura Mixteca. México. 2001.
“fourth of july del dos mil” (poetry) in IXHUA, Literary Review, eds. Anjela Villarreal Ratliff and ire’ne lara silva. Published by the Austin Hispanic Writers, with assistance from Pro Arts Collective, a non-profit organization for artists of color. Funded in part by the City of Austin, the Austin Arts Commission and the Texas Commission for the Arts. Austin, Texas. 2001.
“Palabras de fuego: Poetas chicanas/latinas de hoy” (essay) in EntreTextos, suplemento cultural del periódico Noticias, Oaxaca, México. Año 2. No. 67. 18 de noviembre de 2001.
“My Assault on the New York Publishing World” (essay), The AATIA Letter, the newsletter of the Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association. January 2000.
Reprinted with permission in CATI Quarterly, a publication of the Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters. Summer 2000.
Reprinted with permission in Intercambios, the newsletter of the Spanish Language Division of the American Translators Association. Vol. 4, Issue 2. September, 2000.
“Sin título” (poetry), di-verse-city Austin International Poetry Festival anthology. Austin Poets International, Inc. 2000.
“Crónica de una buza en Galápagos,” “F de foco,” “Costra y mugre,” “Primavera: 3 en Cataluña 3,” “Tríptico,” and “Tu cintura,” (poetry) in Ygdrasil: A Journal of the Poetic Arts, the Frist Ygdrasil Spanish issue. August, 1999. http://www.synapse.net/~kgerken/
“Nov. 2, 1998: On the Eve of Becoming an American Citizen” (poetry) in Tres Di-Verse-City, Ed. Scott Wiggerman. Austin International Poetry Festival anthology. Austin Poets International, Inc. First Prize Winner in the Christina Sergeyevna Award Competition of the Austin International Poetry Festival. 1999.
“Lo hubiera matado” (fiction) in Proyecto Scherezade: Cuentos de autores de todo el mundo de habla hispana, http://www.princeton.edu/~enriquef/lohubier.html
“Lo hubiera matado” (fiction), reprinted with permission in abril: WWEWTOS, no. 18. Literary journal published with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture of Luxemburg. 1999.
Bocas palabras, Carpeta de Poesía Luz, no. 1, Voces Selectas poetry chapbook winner. Alongside Benito Pastoriza Iyodo. Luz Bilingual Publishing, California. 1997.
“Translation on the Border: La Smart Cookie en su Low Rider” (essay), ATA Chronicle, the journal of the American Translators Association. January, 1996.
“Virgencita, give us a chance” (fiction) in Goddess of the Americas/La Diosa de las Américas: Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe, ed. Ana Castillo. Riverhead Books, New York. 1996.
“Tiger Sandwich” (fiction) in Saguaro, Vol. 9. University of Arizona. 1994.
“The Freight Train to Bountiful, Utah” (fiction), and “Civilization” (poetry) in Chaski: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, Vol. XXIII, No. 2. University of Nebraska. 1994.
“Parking P Lot” (poetry) in The New Press. New York. Summer 1994.
“Una escritora chilanga texana” (essay), and “Besos robados” (fiction) in Blanco Móvil. Mexico City. 1994.
“Mano de plata/Silver hand” (poetry) in The New Press, New York. Spring 1994.
“Zurcidos invisibles” (fiction), University of California at Irvine. First Prize in fiction in the XV Chicano Literary Contest. 1988-1989.
“Sinvergüenza” and “Piel canela” (poetry) in The Américas Review: A Review of Hispanic Literature and Art of the USA, Vol. 19, No. 1. University of Houston. 1991.
“Sinvergüenza” (poetry) featured in the video “Ella es frontera/Border She Is” by Pilar Rodríguez. Anarca Films. México. 1996.
“De triques y chácharas” (poetry) in Mester. Vol. XX. No. 1. University of California at Berkeley. Spring 1991.
“Sabor a mí/Savor Me” (fiction), published under pen name in Common Bonds: Stories By and About Modern Texas Women, ed. Suzanne Comer. Southern Methodist University Press. 1990.
“Tanto tiempo” (poetry), and “Virgencita, danos chance” (fiction), published under pen name in Third Woman: The Sexuality of Latinas, eds. Norma Alarcón, Ana Castillo and Cherríe Moraga. Third Woman Press. Berkeley, California. 1989.
“Diecinueve de septiembre” (poetry), University of California at Irvine, honorable mention in the XIII Chicano Literary Contest. 1986-1987.
“Neza” (essay), utmost magazine. University of Texas at Austin. This essay received an Honorable Mention for Essay with Social Vision in the Fania Krueger Fellowship Contest. 1984.
Puro Amor, by Sandra Cisneros (forthcoming from Sarabande Books).
From Latin America to Hollywood: Latino Film Culture in Los Angeles 1967-2017,
foreword by Sandra Cisneros (forthcoming from The Academy Foundation).
Una casa propia: historias de mi vida by Sandra Cisneros (Vintage Español, 2016).
¿Has visto a María? by Sandra Cisneros. Knopf. Fall 2012.
Collaboration with artist Lisa Iglesias on the Mirabal Sisters project at the Vermont Studio Center. Translated poster into Spanish.
Un sillón para siempre written and illustrated by Vera Williams. Greenwillow Books, HarperCollins, 2009.
Diez puntos negros, written and illustrated by Donald Crews. Greenwillow Books, HarperCollins, 2009.
Nancy la elegante y la perrita popoff by Robin Preiss Glasser. Rayo/HarperCollins, 2009.
Devolver al remitente by Julia Alvarez, Alfred A. Knopf, 2009.
La casa en Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros, with a new 25th Anniversary introduction, which I translated. Vintage Español, 2009.
Nancy, la Elegante by Jane O’Connor, illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser. Rayo, HarperCollins (Fall 2008)
“Más más más” dijo el bebé: 3 historias de amor by Vera Williams, Greenwillow Books, HarperCollins (Spring 2008)
Once Upon A Quinceañera by Julia Alvarez, Penguin (Spring 2008)
A Handbook to Luck by Cristina García, Vintage Español (Spring 2008)
Los santos de Agua Mansa, California, by Alex Espinoza, Random House (Spring 2007)
Voces sin fronteras, edited by Cristina García, Vintage Español (Spring 2007), translated texts by García, Rudolfo Anaya, Gloria Anzaldúa, Ana Castillo, Dagoberto Gilb, Richard Rodríguez and Jimmy Santiago Baca
¡Caramba! by Nina Marie Martínez, Vintage Español (Fall 2006)/Seix Barral (2006)
En busca de milagros, by Julia Alvarez, Dell Laurel Leaf (Spring 2006)
Un regalo de gracias, by Julia Alvarez, Dragonfly Books (Fall 2005)
La última de las muchachas del menú, by Denise Chávez, Vintage Español (Winter 2004)
Cuando tía Lola vino de visita/a quedarse, by Julia Alvarez, Knopf Children’s Books (Winter 2004)
Antes de ser libres, by Julia Alvarez, Knopf Children’s Books (Winter 2004)
La conquista, by Yxta Maya Murray. Rayo/HarperCollins (Fall 2003)
Thresholds, a translation anthology, 20 poems by Lina Zerón. Pangloss Publishing (Fall 2003)
La Yagüita del Pastor, by Isaías Orozco Lang with a foreword by Julia Alvarez. El Leon Publishing (Fall 2003)
Caramelo, by Sandra Cisneros. Knopf 2002/Seix Barral 2002.
Latin Jazz: La combinación perfecta, by Raúl Fernández. Chronicle Books/Smithsonian, 2002. Winner: Association of American Museums Best Book Award.
Bugs for Lunch/Insectos para el almuerzo, by Margery Facklam, illustrated by Sylvia Long. Charlesbridge Publishing, 2002. Children’s book in rhyme.
Cuando los ángeles hablan: Inspiration from Touched by an Angel, by Martha Williamson. Simon & Schuster, 2001.
The Magic of Remedios Varo, by Luis-Martín Lozano, translated by Elizabeth Goldson and Liliana Valenzuela. National Museum of Women in the Arts, Wash. D.C., 2000.
El arroyo de la Llorona, translation into Spanish of "Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories" by Sandra Cisneros. Vintage Español, Random House, New York, 1996.
Hairs/Pelitos, translation of bilingual children’s book by Sandra Cisneros, illus. Terry Ybáñez. Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.
“Still Life with Painter,” and “The Sound,” (poetry) by Daniel Grandbois, co-translation with Tony Beckwith, for Beacons X, for the literary translation journal of the American Translators Association. 2007.
“Mecanismos de lo individual y lo social: El Arte Concreto y São Paolo” (essay) by Erin Aldana in The Geometry of Hope: Latin American Abstract Art from the Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, ed. Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro. Blanton Museum of Art. The University of Texas at Austin. 2007.
“Me sacas lo mexicana” (poem) by Sandra Cisneros. Revista Prisma, no. 2. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2005.
Translation of the introduction for Family Pictures/Cuadros de familia, Paintings and stories by Carmen Lomas Garza, introduction by Sandra Cisneros. Children’s Book Press. San Francisco, California. 2005.
“Loose Woman/Mujer Callejera” (poem) by Sandra Cisneros in Literal: Latin American Voices. Vol. 1. Houston, Texas. 2004.
Twenty poems by Lina Zerón in Thresholds: An Anthology of World Literature from the Heart of Texas, with a preface by Andrew Hurley. Pangloss Publishing. Austin, Texas. 2003.
Translation of introduction and biography for Viredo: The Artist and His Work, by Mariano F. Sánchez and Viredo Espinosa. Beard Publishing. Santa Ana, California. 2002.
Translation of the introduction for My First Book of Proverbs/Mi primer libro de dichos by Ralfka González and Ana Ruiz. Children’s Book Press. California. 1995.
Translation of the story “Eleven” by Sandra Cisneros. Sendas literarias textbook. Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Boston. 1994.
Teaching experience
2018 Literary translation mentor for Mills College, San Francisco.
2017 Guest lecturer at a Journalism in Spanish class at the School of Journalism of the University of Texas at Austin.
2013 Guest teacher at the Segundo Encuentro-Hermanas Traductoras, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Sponsored by the Mary’s Pence Foundation and Libros Prehispánicos, L.C.
2012 “Translingual Poetics: Writing authentic poems”, workshop at the Emma Barrientos MACC, part of the second annual Flor de Nopal Festival.
2007 “Translingual Poetics,” co-taught with Levi Romero. Macondo Writers Workshop. San Antonio, Texas.
2006 “Translation as a Career with Liliana Valenzuela/El arte de traducir (para principiantes hispanohablantes)” at The Writers Institute, Florida Center for the Literary Arts. Miami Dade College. Miami, Florida.
2006 Literary translation workshop. International Book Fair. Dallas, Texas.
2004 Guest instructor on literary translation for translation course led by Esther Díaz. Austin Community College. Austin, Texas.
2003 “Self-Confidence and Expression in Writing: A Performance Workshop,” Jones Center for Families. Springdale, Arkansas.
2000 Performance Poetry class at Casa de Luz. Austin, Texas.
1999 Guest instructor on literary translation for translation course led by Esther Díaz. Austin Community College. Austin, Texas.
1998 Co-instructor with Katrina Kargl. Translation Workshop on Adaptations. Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association’s professional development workshop series. Austin Community College. Austin, Texas
Pro Bono Work
Guest instructor at The Young Writers Workshop, Travis Heights Elementary, Austin, Texas, for several years. Also guest instructor at The Young Authors Conference, Baranoff, Elementary, Austin, Texas. Guest reader at Reaves Elementary, Conroe, Texas. Volunteer interpreting work with Austin Hospice for several years.
Audio Recordings
La casa en Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros. Read by Liliana Valenzuela. Translated by Elena Poniatowska. Unabridged version. Random House Audio. 2005.
“Pas de Deux” and “Nov. 2, 1988: On the Eve of Becoming An American Citizen” (poetry in audio), in Drunken Boat # 8, poetry finalist in the first Panliterary Awards Competition. www.drunkenboat.com. 2007.
Liliana Valenzuela in the news
Orgullo Latino profile in Univisión. Austin, Texas. 2007.
Univisión interview with Mariana Pineda. Austin, Texas. 2007.
KO-OP Radio, 91.7 FM. Featured writer in show Writing on the Air.
Entrevista a Liliana Valenzuela: “Una Malinche que vive en Texas” by Adriana Herrera. Revista Poder. Mexico City. 20 de junio 2006.
Entrevista a Liliana Valenzuela: “La traducción como una imagen invertida” by Maricela Duarte. Arenas Blancas. Revista Literaria. 1era duna. New Mexico State University. 2004.
2009 Vermont Studio Center. Johnson, Vermont. Writer-in-residence during the month of September 2009. Received Artist’s Grant and Work Exchange Award.
2005 Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow. Eureka Springs, Arkansas. March 20-27.
2003 Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow. Eureka Springs, Arkansas. June 3-29.
Workshops and Writers studied under
CantoMundo, 2010-2013
Demetria Martinez
Martin Espada
Aracelis Girmay
Roberto Tejada
Macondo Writers Conference, 2000 - 2009
Sandra Cisneros
Ruth Behar
Norma Alarcón
Norma Cantú
John Phillip Santos
Andrei Codrescu
Alex Espinoza
Leslie Larson
University of Texas at Austin, 1984, 1986-88
Jane Marcus
Zulfikar Ghose
Albert Goldbarth
Other workshops, 1987-2000
Pat Littledog
Rebecca Tassi
Marcia Roberts
Trio Valendoza, various performances from 2011 to present. Guitar and vocals.
Community Service / Leadership
Hispanic Austin Leadership (HAL) graduate. 2012-2013. Community project: S.W.A.G (Students Working to Achieve Greatness). Leadership program at Reagan High School, Spring 2013.
American Translators Association, Director 2005-2008.
Readings and Performances
2018 Featured poet at Latina Poetry Across the Americas Symposium at Trinity University.
2018 Multi-Verse featured literary translator at Malvern Books, Austin, Texas, in conversation with founder Joe Bratcher.
2017 Bilingual reading with Sandra Cisneros to benefit the nonprofit Jóvenes Adelante, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2016 Bilingual reading with Sandra Cisneros to benefit PEN America, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
2016 Featured reader at the International Translators Day celebration, Malvern Books, Austin, Texas.
2015 Featured reader with Pablo Miguel Martínez at Malvern Books, Austin, Texas.
2015 Featured reader with Marian Haddad and Lyman Grant at the Round Rock Library, Round Rock, Texas.
2015 Featured reader at the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Tribute to Mexican Women, Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, Austin, Texas.
2013 Featured reader at the Huizache: the Magazine of Latino Literature’s 3rd issue launch. Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, Austin, Texas.
2013 Presentation on “Translingual Poetics” at the Austin Poetry Society meeting, Austin, Texas.
2012 Bilingual poetry reading at the Hilton Bayfront, San Diego, California.
2012 Poetry reading at the University of Texas at Austin, part of CantoMundo.
2011 Multilingual reading at Women and Fair Trade Festival, Austin, Texas.
2010 Reading at Poetry in the Plaza, Harry Ransom Center, Austin, Texas.
2010 Featured reader at the Austin Poetry Society’s Fourth Thursday Open Mic, NewWorldDeli, Austin, Texas.
2010 Reading at the Austin International Poetry Festival.
2010 Featured poet at Austin Community College’s Literary Coffehouse. Austin Java.
Austin, Texas.
2009 Featured poet at BookWoman, Austin, Texas.
2009 Collaborative reading with Cristina García, as part of The Big Read program, Austin Community College, Mainstage Theater, Austin, Texas.
2009 Reading at the Lowe Lecture Hall, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont.
2009 Performance with the Bread & Puppet Theater, Johnson, Vermont.
2009 “Café Nostalgia” reading at Casa Navarro, San Antonio, Texas, as part of the Macondo Writers Workshop.
2009 Participated in panel “Inspiration: The First Glimmer of a Book Idea” at the Writers’ League of Texas. Austin, Texas.
2009 Luminaria Arts Festival, representing the Macondo Writers’ Workshop. San Antonio, Texas.
2008 “Reading the World” presentation at BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
2008 Bilingual reading with Cristina García of Las caras de la suerte. BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
2007 Bilingual reading with Alex Espinoza at the Chicano & Latino Writers Festival. Saint Paul Public Library. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
2007 Featured poet at the multimedia conference Recharging the Sensorium, as part of the winners and finalists of the inaugural PanLiterary Awards, sponsored by www.drunkenboat.com. New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, Connecticut.
2007 Bilingual reading with Alex Espinoza of Los santos de Agua Mansa. BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
2006 Presentation at the Words and Music Festival. New Orleans, Louisiana.
2006 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez at the Chicano & Latino Writers Festival. Saint Paul Public Library. Saint Paul, Minnesota.
2006 Poetry reading and presentation of One Wound for Another/Una herida por otra: Testimonios de Latin@s in the U.S. through Cyberspace (11 de septiembre de 2001-11 de marzo de 2002), eds. Claire Joysmith and Clara Lomas. Resistencia Bookstore. Austin, Texas.
2006 Bilingual reading and presentation with Sandra Cisneros at the Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana. Mexico City.
2006 Bilingual reading with Sandra Cisneros at the XVI Feria Internacional del Libro, and presentation with Claire Joysmith of the book One Wound for Another/Una herida por otra: Testimonios de Latin@s in the U.S. through Cyberspace (11 de septiembre de 2001-11 de marzo de 2002), eds. Claire Joysmith and Clara Lomas. Monterrey, Mexico.
2006 Participated in “How to Publish your Book” and “Spanish Language Books in the U.S. Market” panels. International Book Fair. Dallas, Texas.
2006 Featured essayist at the special Indiana Review reading in support of their Latino/Latina summer issue. Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana.
2006 Oh!rmones/Oh!rmonas. Text: Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Performed by: Alejandra Murga, Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Music by: Alex Coke (sax) and Susie Mauldin (bass). Frontera Fest. Hyde Park Theater. Austin, Texas.
2006 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez and original poetry reading at at ¡La Voz Latina! A Celebration of Latino Authors. Little Rock, Arkansas.
2005 Featured poet at Latina Letters: The Tenth Annual Conference on Latina Literature and Identity. St. Mary’s University. San Antonio, Texas.
2005 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez at the Texas Book Festival. Austin, Texas.
2005 Bilingual reading with Denise Chávez and poetry reading at the Border Book Festival. Mesilla, New Mexico.
2005 Bilingual reading with Nina Marie Martínez and original poetry reading at ¡La Voz Latina! A Celebration of Latino Authors. Fayetteville, Arkansas.
2005 Oh!rmones/Oh!rmonas. Text: Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Performed by: Alejandra Murga, Rebecca Tassi and Liliana Valenzuela. Music: Esteban García. Premiere. AXTYRX. San Antonio, Texas.
2003 Presentation on translation at Publishing Latino Voices: A National Conference for Book Publishers. Sponsored by the Association of American Publishers. New York City.
2001 Invited poet to the IX Encuentro de Mujeres Poetas en el País de las Nubes.
Mexico City and Oaxaca, Mexico. Poetry readings in Mexico City, Oaxaca City, and several Oaxacan towns.
2002 Featured poet at Palabras: a Latino Literary Festival. Austin, Texas.
2000 Featured poet in the Hispanic Voices segment of the Austin International Poetry Festival. Austin, Texas.
1999 PEN World in Translation Month reading at Border Books. Austin, Texas.
1997 “El arroyo de la Llorona y otros cuentos: A Bilingual Reading in Two Voices”
Reading with Sandra Cisneros. Cinco de Mayo program. San Antonio Central Library. San Antonio, Texas.
1996 Reading from El arroyo de la Llorona y otros cuentos. BookPeople. Austin, Texas.
1991 Lamb, Lamb, Lamb. Participant in the large group workshop performance. Choreographed and directed by Deborah Hay. Vortex Theater. Austin, Texas.
Since 1986, I have participated in bilingual poetry and short story readings, as well as literary translation readings in many venues, including: Barnes & Noble, Borders Books, Austin Book Fair Poetry Tent, MexicArte, Women & Their Work, Museo del Barrio, Chameleons Coffee House, Twigg Bookstore, Vortex Theater, KAZI Radio, Red Bluff Studio, Half-Price Books and others.
2012 to present Multiple yearly individual and team awards by the José Martí Publishing Awards, sponsored by The National Association of
Hispanic Publications (NAHP).
2012 to present Multiple yearly individual and team awards by the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors (TAPME).
2009 Four first prize awards sponsored by the Austin Poetry Society:
“Por el camino andamos” The Border/Lines Award, judged by Professor Benjamín Alire Sáenz
“She Should’ve Been a Nun” The Change Award, judged by Maria Finn
“Sirena Cósmica/Cosmic Siren” translated from the Spanish by Angela McEwan, The Mary Oliver Award, judged by Professor Pia Taavila.
“son cubano” The Spoken Word Poetry Award, judged by all present at the APS Annual Awards Ceremony on May 15, 2009.
2008 Artist’s Grant for a September 2009 residency at the Vermont Studio Center. Johnson, Vermont.
2006 Alicia Gordon Award for Word Artistry in Translation
For my translation into Spanish of Nina Marie Martínez: ¡Caramba! A Tale Told
in Turns of the Card
American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation, Inc.
2006 First Panliterary Awards finalist in poetry. Judge: Amy Finch.
2002 Texas Commission on the Arts travel grant.
1999 Christina Sergeyevna Award
Austin International Poetry Festival
First prize for bilingual poem “November 2, 1998: On the Eve of Becoming
an American Citizen.”
1997 Carpeta de Poesía Luz, Voces Selectas
Poetry Chapbook Winner
Luz Bilingual Publishing, California.
1989 Fifteenth Chicano Literary Contest
University of California at Irvine
First Prize in Fiction
1987 Thirteen Chicano Literary Contest
University of California at Irvine
Honorable Mention in Poetry
1984 Fania Krueger Fellowship Contest
University of Texas at Austin
Honorable Mention for Essay with Social Vision
1984 Junior Fellows Research Grant
To fund fieldwork in Mexico.
University of Texas at Austin
1982 Ampla Cum Laude
University of Texas at Austin
1978 American Field Service Scholarship
Study abroad in Denmark for one year
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